Brand Profile
two . one is the meeting of minds of two experienced industry professionals, and begun with a simple concept; something that would be greater than the sum of its parts, which is summarised by our formula: I + I = II.I
The range delivers garments that provide the wearer technical attributes, protecting them from wind, rain, cold, and perspiration, while at the same time keeping style paramount.
The brand exhibits both youthful confidence and adult sophistication, with a blend of bold colours, branding decals, and both classic and modern fabrics and textures, resulting in a product that is both gritty and elegant.
Attention to detail is key, and the garments display this both inside and out. The internals of the clothing are given as much consideration as the exterior, and care has been taken to keep the overall product finish to the highest standard. is playfully disruptive, confidently innovative, and allows the wearer to go anywhere, and be anyone.